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Week 1


  • Onboarded to the project and learnt more about DocGenerator's working and issues.
  • Understood the requirements of my project and C4GT program deliverables and discussed about establishing feedback loops with mentor.
  • Researched design principles and wireframes that will be helpful in designing an UI/UX for Doc Generator.
  • Started learning Next.js that was the agreed frontend tech stack for Doc Generator.
  • Understood the high level workflow and requirement for the UI.
  • Started working with Nest.js to understand the backend side of code.

Screenshots / Videos



  • Understanding DocGenerator in depth: I invested time to go through the backend of the project, the issues - especially the specification in all the UI related issues that gave me deeper insight into what is the end goal and in which direction I should proceed. Understanding the backend and APIs also helped me to understand how data will be sent and fetched from the backend to the client-side.

  • Implemented design thinking to design the UI from scratch: Researching and going through existing websites helped me to creatively think how best the website can be designed and subsequently developed so as to have an easy-to-use yet appealing frontend. This also involved learning the use of advanced features of Figma.